Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Al Qaeda get's nasty. It can't really pronounce "Condoleeza Rice" so it goes for the pithy "The Crusaders Hag" instead! Very amusing!!!


Anonymous said...

"The U.S. military has since admitted that claims of Zarqawi's missing leg were part of a disinformation campaign."
"The infidels' war against Muslims is a religious war whose first aim is to eradicate Islam and Muslims ... it is an age-old battle between followers of God and followers of the devil."

It also stressed its opposition to elections in Iraq as a violation of Islam, saying democracy was an "infidel" practice because it allowed the rule of man instead of that of God.

Matt said...

So.. basically.. if you prefer dictatorships, even bad ones, don't vote. That would be a simpler option?? Or vote for the guy who's going to be more like a dictator.

Matt said...

"Would anyone draft the constitution other than those who do not believe in God's book"..
Let me get this straight - rice wants sunni muslims to be part of drafting the constitution. This al qaeda guy also wants people who believe in God's book to draft it. Win win situation (although it would be nice if only the jews had a say in this, as they only believe in one God too)