Monday, June 18, 2007

Download and keep video from YouTube and similar sites allows you to download an .flv (flash video) file of YouTube and that.  There are .flv players and convertors (to more useful formats) out there too, which can be handy.

Here's something interesting to try it on, if you move swiftly (it's only up on YouTube for a week, apparently):


Anonymous said...

Firefox has a raft of plugins that do this.

Anonymous said...

Did you watch the film, it's ok.

Dodgey Phil said...

Yeah, I think I've used one of the plug-ins previously, but KeepVid seemed easier to work with. Although I just tried it with Firefox and it didn't seem to work at all, so, erm - there's conclusive....

Haven't watched it yet, no. Sounded interesting. Left it downloading with KeepVid last night, but when I came back this morning Safari had crashed and presumably lost it - hmmmpphhhh! Will probably try again later, but it's been extended to August now, so not quite the rush on it now.