Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - "The organisation behind the creation of a $100 laptop for the developing world has refused an offer of free software from Apple." (shame it's not april the 1st) "Negroponte will demonstrate a working prototype of the wind-up laptop at the World Summit on the Information Society on Tuesday."


Matt said...

aparently its because MacOS is not 'open source'. Darwin is, BSD is, its just the windowing framework thing that you put on top that isn't. Which is something (whichever solution you eventually choose) that will probably end up being an open source windowing manager anyway, so why not just make your own distribution that builds either on top of macos or on top of thin air. ahh. too much work for me.

Matt said...

Yeah, apple don't officially discontinue support, they just stop releasing security patches. On the one hand that probably means running os X 10.1 and 10.2 might not be so safe.. In the old days you could just unplug the internet cable, but that's not really a great solution.

Matt said...

If the hundreddollarlaptop people just release something based on unix, then it doesn't seem impossible that apple could just build their software for free on top of it. Its not like they use custom compilers..