Wednesday, November 02, 2005

html editor online shared savesas word

html editor online shared, saves as word or zip (what?), with spell checker.
requires firefox or mozilla, erm maybe internet explorer.
Invite to share a document with you.
I may never save locally again. did I mention autosave?
also can do blogging.


Joshua said...

i'm a bit confused. can you explain it in sentances. (from the beginning)

Joshua said...

if it saved pdf docs that would be cool.

Matt said...

1. Visit
2. get an account (by giving them an email address that you will use as your login name, and a password which you choose).
3. Log in.
4. Create word-processor style documents
4.5 Use the spell checker, so you don't make any mistakes.
5. Allow another person to edit the same document by selecting 'share'
6. Hit save, but don't worry about accidentally not doing, it saves your work for you.
7. instead of filing your work in folders, you 'tag' your work.
8. Try importing some existing files (word documents, html, plain text)
Writely is: an online wysiwyg html editor. (eg; similar to netscape gold / word with 'save as html' option)
+ document sharing - as in two people opening the same document at the same time is ok.

Matt said...

I guess they'd like to add 'save as pdf' option, but at the moment they have not. Wait and see - or just save to desktop, and print to pdf from openoffice or something.

Anonymous said...

I used something called Nvu It made Html for me from a wysiswig and was local and I didnt have to bother about code. it isnt perfect but its good for the price...

Joshua said...

i think it's his spam email address. his real address is longer.

Matt said...

dear anonymous. writely's free. software that you pay for, download, install, runs only on one particular operating system.. thats cool for microsoft. this is cool because its not (any of those things).
Yeah. keep spamming mw333 at hotmail. not like it matters. hotmail gets too much spam anyway.

Matt said...

oops, sorry anonymous. Nvu is free, multiple os. probably quite a good system to rival dreamweaver and other 'web site manager / editor' systems. Also of interest. Thanks.