Monday, July 04, 2005

Apple Dashboard - it's basically a version of Konfabulator but for the Mac, BUT it's main flaw is this: with Konfabulator, you can stick your favourite widgets on the desktop, open up your program, internet explorer for example, and resize IE so that you can still see your widgets. With Apple Dashboard you can't! It's simply all widgets and nothing else, or apps and no widgets.

Other things: You can't actually quit Dashboard - it's always on! (unless you get a third party app to switch it off!) Although you can remove it from the dock.

Matt: whats the difference between 'console' and 'terminal'?

I've put photos, and started a mini-review of the Mac Mini, on


Matt said...

Terminal is where you type commands in, like ls, and df, and rm -r *
ok maybe not the last one. try sudo rm -r *
console is where you watch all the errors come up. not very interesting.

Matt said...

and yeah, dashboard is this separate layer that you access at the press of a key, and they're all fairly clever 'small page' javascript / html pages, that don't really interact with anything else. Useful for ermm.. looking up information, like the weather, or doing calculations. Yeah, apple have brought back 'background applications'..

Joshua said...

like the way atari did it way back in 89/91 before people invented multi-tasking (or before people actually used multi-tasking). those clever bods at amiga did multi tasking though didn't they, and it took microsoft till win95 to do it.

Joshua said...

dashboard is surprisingly crappy though considering they could have just copied off konfabulator. and done something useful like letting you use your widget of choice AT THE SAME TIME as something else!