Saturday, January 31, 2004

latest argos catalogue seems to have some fairly cheap digi-cams (probably cheaper eslewhere if you can find them, but it's always neat being able to see them in real life - although the 16-day money back policy does NOT apply on digital cameras at argos!): "polaroid" (made by concord) PDC2070 (2mp, 8mb) £74.90 - Oregon Scientific DS8238 2mp,8mb £74.99 - praktica g2.0 2mp,16mb £79.99 - polaroid (made by concord) pdc 3030 3mp,16mb £79.99 - concord 3040af 3mp, 7mb(!!) £89.99 - Concord 4060af 4mp, 16mb £129.99.

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