Friday, September 19, 2003

* new distributed computing project said to take up to 3 months to do one "unit", and a 7.57mb download!
* BBC may use P2P to get their archive of stuff out there!. cool.
* Intel want to re-do "ATX" with BTX, are you sure they don't mean BMX? Anyway, they want to move the CPU down to the bottom, and front of the case so a fan can be blowing fresh cool air onto it...
* Britian passes an anti-spam law! cool! except it probably means we'll get MORE spam, not less!. doh!
* face the wrath of the law if your website is crap bbc news.
* AMD Quad Opteron coolers look like G5 coolers, except there's twice as many processors under them - and they're probably faster too ;) the inq.
* they're still trying to revive the amiga platform - now with a mini-itx amiga board!.

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