Wednesday, August 24, 2005

(kid from simpsons:) ha ha - Intel finally scrap Pentium 4 architecture (and HyperThreading), saying ignore megahertz, and gigahertz, "performance per watt" is what it's about now... (Intel will be making Pentium M their main chip in future... although probably with a different name?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

for some stuff hyperthreading was quite good, but nothing super amazing. the thing is the pentium 4 3ghz chip performs the same as a pentium M 2ghz chip, so they've finally sorting something out, and are gonna scrap the pentium 4. the pentium 4s always been a bit stupid and crap. a 2.4ghz pentium-m beats ALL pentium 4s (even the stupid fast/hot pentium 4 3.8ghz things)