Tuesday, February 22, 2005

"In Mexico a US company was forced out of business after setting up a “sweatshop” in which peasants played games around the clock, earning in-game credits that were auctioned at a profit on eBay."

Poor little mexicans having to play games all day. Some people dream of that job.


Anonymous said...

"Blacksnow Interactive employed unskilled Mexican labourers to play Dark Age of Camelot, a popular MMORPG. The workers were given instructions in how to develop powerful characters, which were then sold for real money on eBay. Mythic Entertainment, Camelot’s creators, discovered the scam and closed the Blacksnow accounts."

man that's kind of sweet - apart from the probably very low wages :)

Matt said...

that's a really lovely story tony, I wouldn't have though up a story like that - so cool.. 'these tiny dwarves came down in an alien space ship and they said they'd sell me this magic cape for only 100 pounds, and so I sold the family cow and hey waddaya know, the cape came with instructions written in alien code, so I decided I'd write an american TV series instead based on my experiences..'
Next week on ricki lake "people who were conned by a race of superior intelligence from outer space.."