Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The God Who Wasn't There

Haven't heard anything about this film in the UK yet, but maybe it'll find it's way over here eventually.  It sounds like it's probably in a documentary format, and, much like the Da Vinci Code, will presumably bring a broad grin to the face of anyone wishing back up their belief that Christianity is historical hog-wash without thinking very hard and remain entirely unimpressive to the rest of us. Looks like viewers will be treated to the mindless spoutings of athiest fundamentalist Richard Dawkins (who presumably is a huge embarassment to athiests the world over!), although most of us in the UK have probably already seen him do his thing on various TV documentaries.

According to the film kicks off with the narrative lines
"The Earth revolves around the Sun. But it wasn't always that way. The Sun used to revolve around the Earth. It was like that for hundreds of years, until it was discovered to be otherwise, and even for a few hundred years after that. But, ultimately, after much kicking and screaming, the Earth did, in fact, begin to revolve around the Sun. Christianity was wrong about the solar system. What if it's wrong about something else, too? This movie's about what happened when I went looking for Jesus."

Perhaps they're saying that culturally Christianity had it wrong at some point in history, which may possibly be true, but as far as I'm aware the bible doesn't paint a picture of a sun revolving around the earth.  Impossible to say without actually watching it, but it -does- sound like it's going to be another film aimed squarely at people with little interest in truth!


Joshua said...

er... why does one line go all the way over to the right? you shouldn't need to edit your own html, if that is what you are doing?

Matt said...

that's some very impressive (or inappropriate) use of the nbsp element.

Dodgey Phil said...

It's down to the brilliant "Notepad" that ships with Windows XP, I think. Or rather the shared bit of Windows that it relies on for basic text editing. The Windows 98 version was fine but the XP version is a bug-ridden pile of donkey, and likes to insert line feeds and heaven knows what without permission.

Dodgey Phil said...

But no, I'm not doing my own HTML editing or anything clever. Just typing into the text box, that happens to be a trashy bit of Windows code, even in Opera.

Joshua said...

I use firefox or IE7 when blogger decides it doesn't want to work properly with firefox and I've never had it do the things that your posts do.

Dodgey Phil said...

Mysterious. I'm blaming it on Windows, 'cos I know that Notepad no longer works properly, or the equivalent "slap it on the window" control in Delphi. Och, well.