Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Google earth seems pretty neat really cool! Link. Like a computer version of a world atlas, road map, directions, information guide etc. It's free and about an 8mb download.

One of the pictures is Nelson, New Zealand. The other is Nelson, Lancashire, UK, including the famous Railway Street and other locations (Southfield Street, Lancaster Gate). Some locations have better satelitte images that others. (for example, in London, you can make out cars and trees quite clearly). The third screengrab, is of the Anthony Nolan Trust in London - if you click the image you can see a bigger version, where you can see all the little car dots - there's even a house nearby that seems to have a bright blue swimming pool.

Other neat features: double click (left) to zoom, double right click to zoom out. click and drag to scroll, click drag and throw the image to get it to continue scrolling. There's a sight-seeing tour (of America) in 'My places' as well. The middle button on your mouse will let you move the view around in 3D.

I've included a picture of the statue of liberty. If you go to a big american city like new york, you can turn buildings on and it'll show you all the buildings in 3D (pic attached to post). The only problem seems to be that sometimes the program will go really slow - othertimes really quick... restarting the program seems to speed it up again though - and it appears to keep a cache of the data it's downloaded so you don't have to wait ages for it to download it again.

Other neat stuff: It has Area 51. Railroads. Crime Stats. Census. Cloud coverage. Volcanoes. Earthquakes. Grand Canyon's pretty cool. There's even more cool places you can check out here. In fact - this would make a cool virtual holiday on a big projector :)

1 comment:

Matt said...

It seems to think the Anthony Nolan Trust is at the front door of A+E, while actually its not - its on the right hand side in your picture.
I've also noticed it puts the railways into the wrong locations. Slightly- creating lines that don't exist.
Good though. New Zealand didn't look so good around Levin - lots of clouds and 'holes' in the earth.