Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What happened to all the blogs? Where have they gone?

Amazingly, this blog still exists. Thanks to blogspot. It just keeps going, hosting this website, for free. In comparison all the personal websites of yesterday are gone, due to the annoying annual domain name fees, and hosting costs, if you're hosting your own site (and not just redirecting to blogspot). 

It harks back to a simpler time, when everyone wanted a website, to share photos, share information (for free), and just made websites for fun. Now, it's much simpler and easier to post your opinion on Facebook, or Twitter/X (or not), and for those who're happy creating video, Youtube is the new blog. No one ever says "I'm a blogger" anymore, but they do say things like "I'm a youtuber" or "I'm a creator". 

Well, if you're still interested in blogs, and want to write about tech or anything related, then feel free to get in touch with your details, and we can link to you.

1 comment:

Chrispybee said...

The internet back then was so much more simpler. People were willing to create a site with ads on, just so that they felt technical getting something on the internet that millions of people could see.