Thursday, December 20, 2007

Free utility to monitor and report hard drive health

Tonight it looked like more hard-drive woes at Phil's house. They seem to have gone away after switching a drive to a different SATA channel, but, as a man with a very poor back-up strategy in place (i.e. almost no back-ups whatsoever) this sort of thing scares me a bit. Have found a utility that can display information that your hard-drive reports to the computer using SMART. It's free. Clickety click.


Joshua said...

I use ezback-it-up and an external 500gb USB hard drive set to backup my important stuff (My docs, mp3s, photos, webserver etc) weekly. Seems to work quite well, once you've got it setup once, you just forget about it, and it does it every week.

Dodgey Phil said...

Sounds good. Cheers dude.