Friday, December 22, 2006

allofmp3 bigger than itunes

Story here (on boing boing) about allofmp3 - selling more than itunes apparently - and due to be shut down? - but still currently operating...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Have a Green Christmas - Gift gen dot com Christmas Present Idea Generator Etc

Gift Gen - suggests presents based on price, age, character, sex, could be handy if you're stuck for ideas.

FYI: Last post days are 19th Dec for 2nd class, 21st Dec for 1st class. But you'll need to check with the website in question to see what their last days are.

Metro have a news item on "giving africa an animal" - World Land Trust say it's "grossly irresponsible", Animal Aid say it does "not diminish poverty" due to the fact that "all farmed animals require proper nourishment, large quantities of water, shelter from weather, and vetenary care" which is something places like Africa lack (they lack them for people, let alone animals).

Some more links to Green Christmas sites: (give an alpaca or plant a crop allotment) (give an acre of land) (give a community tap for £45) (cool things like a years supply of tea for £15, or save a penguin) (a carbon offsetting company) (eco balls £30) (sell "eco balls" £35 for around 1000+ washes, saves you heaps of money and is good for the environment)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christian Albums CDs in the UK Cheap Cheep! (based in Guernsey) sell cheap christian CDs, for example "Passion Everything Glorious" is £9.99 including postage. Wesley Owen sell the same CD for £12.99, and Amazon sell it for £13.99 as a "US Import".

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Get the new AVG Free

If you're running AVG 7.something and not 7.5 - then you might get messages saying "this program is going to run out, please buy me!"* - when in actual fact, all you need to do is download the newer free version 7.5 from here and do a manual install (repair installation).

* paraphrased by me

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Cheap cars on ebay.

Hey, if you're interested in buying a car, especially a cheap one, then ebay seems to be the place, with a 2002 model Proton Impian selling for £1550 (cost new £13000, valued at £2500+ by parkers), whereas a similar age Ford Focus is valued at £3500 - £4200 (cost new £12495). Knowing that some cars depreciate more than others, I've setup this ebay search that shows you all these cheap cars for sale. I guess they're like the modern day Lada, but better.

Cheap Cars on Ebay.

Alternatively you can search for "Buy it Now" cars under a set price, for example, under £250. This search gets you some good results, such as a Mk2 Golf for £100.

Friday, December 08, 2006

blogger beta gone live

blogger have started to let you convert your normall blogger blogs into the new "blogger beta" style of blog -

this has many advantages namely: tags* (used on technorati and other sites, and used for searching on certain topics), much quicker publishing, neater archive display, integrate other site's RSS feed onto your blog easily, private blogs etc etc.

however, there are some dis-advantages: you need a google account to logon. plus it's a bit of an unknown as to how well it will migrate over the current design, although I suspect it shouldn't cause any problems.

I've been using blogger beta for this: The Ricoh Caplio R5 Blog and it's been great!

So to summarise: I think blogger beta is quite good, but we need to make sure everyone is happy to move over to blogger beta with this site and has a working google account before we can move over. alternatively we could simply not move over, as what we have now is currently working.

*example tags for this post would be: blogger, beta, tags, etc

Update: Turns out we can't upgrade this blog yet as this kind of blog can't be converted yet: "A very large blog. (More than a couple thousand posts + comments.)"

Saturday, December 02, 2006